On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 08:32:51AM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 00:49, Lukas Ziaja wrote:
> > i try for a coupple of days to install debian on an apple x-serve...
> > after some troubble with the keyboard - it won't work - but after chaning
> > the kernel against ben.h precompiled kernel - i got the machine to boot
> > via yaboot from a hdd into the install menu...
> What do you mean here?  You used your own kernel to boot it, and that
> failed?  Or the stock kernel failed, and your kernel booted
> successfully?
> > the problem ist that, after the language-box i got a message that this
> > plattform is not supported at this time ... 
> Can you give me the output of "cat /proc/cpuinfo" on that machine?  Just
> select the "Start a shell" or whatever it is option.

You might need to switch to the second console using Alt-F2 or
Option-F2, when the language chooser is being displayed, if you get
booted out before you get to the main menu.

*------v--------- Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 --------v------*
|      <http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/installmanual>     |
|        debian-imac: <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net>       |
|            Chris Tillman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
|                  To Have, Give All to All (ACIM)               |

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