On Mon, 2002-09-30 at 21:58, Jim McLoughlin wrote:
> > I have first installed X4.2 from branden but was not able do get
> > something working then I have installed the deb from michael and got a
> > good X config. I have since compiled from source the dri-trunk stuff
> > from michael (after removing readeon.o and r128.o from the kernel),
> > added the "pre-install radeon agpgart" line (check the friday archive)
> > and I have now accelerated 3D.
> Sounds awesome.  I tried installing the .deb with the default kernel 
> and followed some of the example modelines, but was unable to get x 
> started.  I would get an error regarding no screens with valid modes 
> found.

As I said, you don't need a Modeline, in fact not even a Modes line in
the display subsection.
might work out of the box.

If there's still a problem, please put up the server log and/or
XF86Config somewhere for us to look at.

> >> If anyone who has configured the same model tiBook could give me a 
> >> more
> >> definitive list of steps to take (kernel first, which xfree to use,
> >> which modeline to use (can I copy the xfconfig examples directly?),
> >> etc) in getting things online, I would be grateful.  I know this comes
> >> up often, I just couldn't figure out the proper path to take here.
> >
> > Hope this help, more are to come with the page I hope to publish
> > tonight.
> thanks in advance.  If it's specific enough, I'll probably wipe my 
> current install (it does not have much on it) and follow those 
> instructions from scratch to avoid any conflicts with botched kernel 
> compiles, packages, etc.

Hey, this is Debian, in 99% of the cases you don't need to take such
desperate measures. :)

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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