
On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 11:57:04AM +0200, Claas Langbehn wrote:
>I have got an iBook 500/66 with this internal modem:
>APPLE VERSION 0010DCP, 6/10/2001
>Apple Internal Modem
>RCV56DPF-PLL L8571A Rev 43.06/43.06
>(Information gotten with ATI[0-7])
>it seems to work, but when I do an "atdt..." or an 
>"ath1" then I only get a lot of garbage. It stops
>when I pull the phone line. So I think this is because
>the iBook does not have analog audio inputs for the
>modem so that it sends the sound in digitally.
>Or is it a softmodem that expects me to interpret
>the sounds?

try to configure your modem with pppconfig and configure 
/dev/ttyS0 for the modem and use ATZ1 as initstring,
that should work!

  .''`.    Jan-Hendrik Palic     |
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