On Thu, 2002-08-29 14:19:53 +0200, Vincent Bernat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > OoO Pendant le temps de midi du jeudi 29 août 2002, vers 12:01, > Philipp Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait: > > > no, sorry, sound works here, but i switched to the alsa drivers which > > provide more featues. You _have_ to use the drivers from the cvs-version, > > take the rest from the latest snapshot. works fine here > > What kind of features ? For userland tools, are the available .deb for > the 0.9 OK ?
The mixer allows setting the output gain an disable the automuting of the speakers when a headphone is attached, additinal bass and treble can be ajusted. Alsa can handle multiple waves at onece, on some cips alsa can record where oss can't. AVE! phils... -- PHILIPP SCHMIDT / phils - - + - - > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ` - - > http://home.pages.de/~phils/ --> ONLINE fuer Berlin & BRB? IN-Berlin! ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) <-- Lbh unir whfg ivbyngrq gur Qvtvgny Zvyraavhz Pbclevtug Npg ol oernxvat gur cebgrpgvba bs pbclevtugrq zngrevny. Vs lbh ner abg n pvgvmra be erfvqrag bs gur HFN, lbh evfx orvat vzcevfbarq naq uryq jvgubhg onvy sbe hc gb gjb jrrxf hcba ragel gb gur HFN (c) Copyright 2001 by Hartmann Schaffer (signature only) :wq