On Thu, 2002-08-29 12:29:07 +0200, Jesus Climent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 12:01:19PM +0200, Philipp Schmidt wrote:
> > On Wed, 2002-08-28 18:49:09 +0100, Paul Talacko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > As I posted in a previous thread, I've upgraded to 2.4.19 which has got
> > > my RTL8029 working, but now I have no sound.  No beep, nothing.  Xmms
> > > does everything fine as if it plays sound, but nothing comes out the
> > > speaker.  Using mixers, I've turned up the volume, the speaker slider
> > > etc up full and still no sound.
> > > 
> > > Does anyone have any ideas what might ne the problem?
> > 
> > no, sorry, sound works here, but i switched to the alsa drivers which
> > provide more featues. You _have_ to use the drivers from the cvs-version, 
> > take the rest from the latest snapshot. works fine here
> For which model? Are you talking about the sound card in the new iBook2 
> dualUSB 700?

no, the 600Mhz variant, a few month older than yours...


     PHILIPP SCHMIDT / phils - - + - - > [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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