
I have no idea whether the Matrox G200 shipped with the box.

Any pointers on how to use Minicom to access the console on the serial
port?  I have a null modem cable right here but I haven't tried this

If indeed the kernel is running, I should be able to connect via the
serial port at any time after boot, is that correct?


On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, John F Davis wrote:

> Hello
> Use minicom.
> You have a matrox video card in a rs6000?  Was it the one which shipped
> with the box?  I didn't know
> rs6k's shipped with Matrox cards.  I'm far from an expert though.
> JD
> George Karaolides <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@linustech.com.cy> on
> 08/21/2002 03:22:25 PM
> Sent by:    George Karaolides <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:    German Poo Caaman~o <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:    "debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org" <debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org>
> Subject:    Re: Woody on IBM RS/6000 7025 F50
> On 21 Aug 2002, German Poo Caaman~o wrote:
> > What are you using: console or vga monitor?  I think the output
> > is going to other device (your kernel seem works).
> I'm trying to use a monitor and keyboard, the video card is a Matrox G200
> and it works just fine with the existing old Yellow Dog installation.
> > You can try booting with a console, append "console=ttyS0,9600"
> > as argument when you boot from net, and connecting, with a null
> > modem between serial ports, two machines.
> OK, I've got a null modem cable right here.  Can I connect to the console
> on the serial port from an Intel Linux machine (Debian woody)?  Is there
> any software I must install?
> Best regards,
> |   George Karaolides                      Planitis Communications Ltd.,  |
> |   tel:   +357 22 45 65 00              Office 102, 11 Florinis Street,  |
> |   web:   www.planitis.net                             Nicosia CY 1065,  |
> |   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           Republic  of Cyprus.  |
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

|   George Karaolides                      Linustech Advanced Solutions,  |
|   tel:   +357 22 89 87 28               31 Evagorou Avenue, Office 32,  |
|   web:   www.linustech.com.cy                         Nicosia CY 1066,  |
|   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Republic  of Cyprus.  |

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