On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 12:31:16AM -0400, K Clark wrote:
> first caveat, this is my initial foray into mac hardware, w/exp. on i386
> w/linux.
> ibook2 brand spanking new. followed several online guides 
> http://people.debian.org/~branden/ibook.html
> http://www.xiph.org/~jack/ibook/instnotes.html
> and have os9 and osx installed already. have booted into the debian installer
> through OpenFirmware after copying linux.bin, yaboot, yaboot.conf and
> root.bin to osx's root directory, then starting with a boot hd:9,\yaboot or
> some other apple magic...
> so the installer starts and i get the kernel and driver modules off the net
> at
> http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/woody/main/disks-powerpc/current/powermac/...

You want new-powermac, not powermac.

> when it comes time to install the base system, i'm having much trouble. i
> have no iso cdrom. i've been trying to do this over the network, which is
> working. i can ping from another box the laptop, and in tty2 i can ping my
> router from the ibook. and the installer went and dloaded the drivers.tgz
> from the above URL...
> the error i receive is: 
> Release Check Failed:
> The Server was unavailable or contained no Release file.

This may be a bug which is even newer than your iBook. I just filed a 
similar (but not identical) report an hour ago.

> is the installer expecting a 'release' file? i have seen the URL pointers for
> potato having a different makeup than what i see available for woody.

Yes. What about a different mirror?

> question? if i dload and burn an iso for my powerbook, which one should i
> get? what arthritic ninja hand move do i have to do to boot from the cd? the
> open-apple+option+O+F? if so, then when in OF, what do i type to get to the
> cd?

If it was me, assuming you have a Linux machine to download with, I'd use 


to download and create a netinst iso image. (But I'm biased.) No
really, the other images available for download are out of date and/or
buggy. Some rather critical bugs have just been fixed and new images
aren't available yet. 

Oh, and one bug won't be until woody is released: When you boot into
your new system and base-config runs, you need to change your
/etc/apt/sources.list from stable to woody, apt-get update and apt-get
dist-upgrade before downloading any more packages. You could actually
change to vc2 at base-config's first dialog and do this. Skip
base-config's siren call of tasksel and dselect, it will install
potato packages unless you have changed sources.list.

> I hope someone's still awake, or waking up...

Just going to bed, so good luck...

*------v--------- Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 --------v------*
|      <http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/installmanual>      |
|   debian-imac (potato): <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net>   |
|            Chris Tillman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
|                   May the Source be with you                   |

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