Works for me.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/man-db$ man -k canonical
canonical (5)        - (unknown)
canonical- format of Postfix canonical table (5) [canonical] - (unknown)
cleanup- canonicalize and enqueue Postfix message (8) [cleanup] -
realpath (3)         - return the canonicalized absolute pathname
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/man-db$ apropos canonical   
canonical (5)        - (unknown)
canonical- format of Postfix canonical table (5) [canonical] - (unknown)
cleanup- canonicalize and enqueue Postfix message (8) [cleanup] -
realpath (3)         - return the canonicalized absolute pathname

Do you have man-db installed?

On Tue, 2002-05-14 at 05:23, Lars D. Noodén wrote:
> Should the command apropos work 'out of the box'?  
> I've recently done a fresh install of woody and get no hits when searching 
> with apropos, even though the relevant man pages exist:

David Stanaway

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