On  19 Mar, this message from Chris Tillman echoed through cyberspace:
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 12:28:45AM +0100, Mark Baumann wrote:
>> > > This worked. It boots (2 beeps) but only one time if I want to reboot it,
>> > > its dead  again (1 beep)
>> >
>> > 2 beeps is OF changing configuration. I have no idea what it's doing
>> > that needs a second chime...
>> >
>> > As to why it doesn't boot the second time, I can only imagine that the
>> > backup battery might be empty... Booting back to MacOS will reset OF's
>> > settings, though.
>> Yes it seems to be the backup battery. I tested it a few times and it also
>> worked without my bootvars-setting-script;-) But after the weekend the
>> machine was dead again. So it seems that I have to buy a new battery. Any
>> idea where to get one?
> I get them at Batteries Plus, which is probably a local concern. But maybe 
> you have someplace similar that carries a large variety of phone and computer 
> batteries.

I get mine at a local electronics shop. You can also try a shop that has
photo batteries.

> They can find it by the number on the case. (Just so you're not 
> shocked, the last time I bought one it was around $20). All the oldworld Macs
> used the same battery; so it's actually pretty common.

Yep, expensive, but common. FWIW, 68k Macs already used the same thing,
except they wouldn't even boot with an empty battery :-(. At one time
almost _all_ LC/Performa 475's dropped dead within a month or two
because their batteries ran out ;-).

> And the trick to getting it off the motherboard is to use a tiny
> screwdriver (or a paper clip works) to pry at the bottom in the ends
> of the black plastic U-shaped clip. It's one of those clip things that
> is really easy to put together, but not too easy to take apart.
>   +------------+       +-------+
>   |  |------|  |   ^   | +---+ |
>   |  |     + | |   |   | + O + |
>   |  |------|  | ->    | +---+ |
>                ^        ^     ^ 
>                Pry out and up

Nice drawing, Chris ;-)



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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