On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Viral Shah wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 11:46:53PM +0100, Siggi Langauf wrote:
> > Oh, and if you want to keep OS X, do _not_ install it on an UFS
> > partition; it would be terribly slow then...
> Oh, that is counter-intuitive !
> I thought using UFS might have been better, considering OS X was a port
> of FreeBSD etc.. Time to reinstall.

Indeed counter-intuitive. I made the same mistaken ;-)

> The only reason to keep OS X around
> is to be able to watch DVDs. The 500 MHz ibook falls just a little bit
> short of DVD playback in software. Maybe the 600 MHz should be ok.

not quite.

> OTOH, has anyone got xine to play encrypted DVDs on an ibook ?

Yes, works with dvdnav+libdvdcss, but it still drops about 10% of the
frames on a 600MHz machine.
Maybe XFree 4.2 will help here. Maybe.

> How does one read a UFS filesystem from linux anyways ? I tried
> $ apt-cache search ufs
> but wasn't successful.

There's UFS support (readonly) in the kernel, so if you have built it, you
can just mount UFS partitions. Read-write support is marked as
"DANGEROUS", though. So I guess VFAT is the best filesystem to exchange
data with MacOS :-/


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