On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 09:31:41PM +0100, Georg Koss wrote: > Hi all! > I bought an ibook (M8597) last week intending to install Woody solely > ;-).
I bought one too with a similar intent, though I really needed a machine to use too. ;-) > Nope - I tried a lot of different settings resulting all in a > kernel-panic. =8-( > Last I see is something concerning NET 4. I had similar problems too, but I don't remember what config I used. I wasn't quite as persistent in trying many different configs. > Therefore I would peg somebody out here with a working 2.4.18 or > similar on a recent ibook (500) to send me her's/his' config-xxx, cause > I don't find my error(s). I am using the precompiled ibook kernels from ibooklinux.net, and they work fine. The 2.4.18-ben0 from there (or ppckernel.org, which I think is the same thing) works just fine for me. I think the config file is available there too. > Despite that, there seems to be a problem in recognizing the > ethernet-card correctly with my config. (GMAC=y, lastly BMAC=y) > I'm able to ping from my G4 to the ibook but not from the > ibook( to the G4 ( via eth0. This works fine too on my ibook with the above. I think Ben's tree has the GMAC driver, though the netinst ISO from cdimage.debian.org which uses 2.2.20 also detected my ethernet fine and everything worked great. viral -- http://www.mayin.org/~gandalf I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon.