On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 09:31:41PM +0100, Georg Koss wrote:
> Hi all!
> I bought an ibook (M8597) last week intending to install Woody solely
> ;-). 

I bought one too with a similar intent, though I really needed a machine
to use too. ;-)

> Nope - I tried a lot of different settings resulting all in a
> kernel-panic. =8-(
> Last I see is something concerning NET 4.

I had similar problems too, but I don't remember what config I used.
I wasn't quite as persistent in trying many different configs.

> Therefore I would peg somebody out here with a working 2.4.18 or
> similar on a recent ibook (500) to send me her's/his' config-xxx, cause
> I don't find my error(s).

I am using the precompiled ibook kernels from ibooklinux.net, and they
work fine. The 2.4.18-ben0 from there (or ppckernel.org, which I think is
the same thing) works just fine for me. I think the config file is available
there too.

> Despite that, there seems to be a problem in recognizing the
> ethernet-card correctly with my config. (GMAC=y, lastly BMAC=y)
> I'm able to ping from my G4 to the ibook but not from the
> ibook( to the G4 ( via eth0. 

This works fine too on my ibook with the above. I think Ben's tree has
the GMAC driver, though the netinst ISO from cdimage.debian.org which
uses 2.2.20 also detected my ethernet fine and everything worked great.



I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon.

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