On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Michael Schmitz wrote:

> > I think, well no problem, (except the cpu time lost, and uptime lost
> > ;-) ) pmud should have notice that battery is going out, and should have
> > cleanly shutdown the  machine
> Nope, it should have put the machine to sleep mode. After considerable
> time in sleep mode, the battery may still run out.

I guess it's the way it happens last nigth.
> Do you always want to have the machine shut down instead of sleep, even
> when closing the lid? If so, just add the shutdown command there.

no no, I want to close the lid, to put the PowerBook into sleeping mode,
go to the library, wake it up, and use th airport network, and finaly
go working....

> If you only want the shutdown on power low, look into /usr/share/doc/pmud
> for the sample powerfail script, configure pmud to send a signal to init
> on low battery (man pmud), and set up init to run the powerfail script on
> power status change (man inittab).

OK I'll have to go into deeep RTFM whith thse man pages.
Thank's for pointing me to the rigth docs.


 E> desole mais je n est pas trop l habitude des groupes de discutions
 Leçon n° 1 : on répond en haut et on vire le message auquel on répond
 Cette suppression facilite grandement la lecture !!!
 -+- DrN in <http://neuneu.mine.nu> : Le Neuneu par l'exemple -+-

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