
As I'm so stupid, I let my pismo run out of battery this nigth (just
forgotten to plug it ...) this mornig, I found it stopped.

I think, well no problem, (except the cpu time lost, and uptime lost
;-) ) pmud should have notice that battery is going out, and should have
cleanly shutdown the  machine

but when I booted the machine, I read the unexpected
/dev/NN not cleanly unmounted check forced.

Why the computer was not "cleanly shuted-donw"

while looking at the core99 section of /etc/power/pwrctl
I notice that warning just display a message eitheir via wall etheir via
xmessage, and that's all

shall I add a /sbin/shutdown -h now line ??


Les risques du métier: Son menton a soudainement quitté
la paume de sa main droite posée grace à un coude et sa
tête est venue frapper lourdement le bureau. Une fois de
plus, un fonctionnaire s'est tué au travail. (Les Nuls)

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