> Have you created an Apple_Bootstrap partition and set up the dual-boot
> options in yaboot?

Yes... and as long as I boot off the same drive, I have no problems. The
problems is when I select a different drive to boot of. Not a different
partition, but a different drive.

> On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 07:50:13PM -0500, Pan wrote:
> > I have a B&W G3 with debian, and I have 4 drives on it... I have debian
> > and mac installed on the IDE master drive, and macos alone on the slave.
> >
> > The problem is, when I boot on macos on the slave drive, I can't later
> > reboot on debian, since it always goes back to the mac partition and it
> > doesn't recognice the bootstrap partition (that's my guess)
> >
> > So, if I boot on mac os on the same drive where I have debian, it works
> > fine and I can get to debian, but if I change the bootup disk to a
> > different one (the slave) everything breaks, and I have to reboot off the
> > cd and re-generate the bootstrap.
> >
> > Any ideas on how to fix this?

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