> Writing the map destroys what was there before. Is that okay? [n/y]: (I
> selected y)
> The partition table has been altered!
> Then I got a blinking cursor for a long while, and after that the
> computer restarted itself.

It shouldn't do that, obviously. What Mac model was this on? Kernel
version? I've had reports of mac-fdisk crashing the machine on writing the
partition table, I just haven't been able to reproduce them.

> The hard drive seemed repartitioned, I checked with a Mac OS 9 boot
> disk. (But, since I had no means of getting back to debbootstrap, I had
> to reinstall mac OS, re-download the files (linux kernel, root.bin and
> yaboot), make a new yaboot.conf and go at it again. Again I used the
> fdisk from the cd (the mac-fdisk Chris Tillman pointed me to earlier),
> and again the same result after the "w".

Why did you have to repeat the partitioning step?


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