On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 06:46:22PM +0100, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> > 
> > 1. Will debian work fine with this computer?
> Yes! Probably harder to set up than an x86 box, but the result is much
> nicer. :) Hardware support is also developing nicely except for the
> Winmodem-style internal modem.
That's just on the new model BTW.  The old modem works just fine under
Debian, TVM.

> > 3. This computer only has one mousebutton right?? How does this work?
> The trackpad has only one button. You can emulate the others with keys,
> but do yourself a favour and use a decent USB mouse. :)
Works like a charm.  Which I can't say for the Windows 2000 laptop I'm
supposed to use in the office.  Same mouse.


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