> > 1. I installed Gnome, why am I not getting kicked into Gnome when I
> > do 'startx'? I think I am in just WindowMaker. I have the Main icon
> > in upper left, and three on the right. How do I do the Gnome thing?
> There are many ways; I think what you probably want to do is
> 'apt-get install gdm'.

Here are some of the other ways, in case you don't want to run gdm:

If you want to make Gnome the system-wide default x startup, run
'update-alternatives --config x-session-manager' as root.

If you want to change your X11 startup by hand, edit ~/.xsession . You
will want to change the last line to 'exec gnome-session'.  If this file
does not exist, copy the one in /usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/examples/.

If you don't plan to use windowmaker, you can simply uninstall it and
xinit should successfully find gnome-session instead.

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