Well, I decided I was far enough behind the 8-ball to just reinstall the potato. So I increased Swap space as recommended, modified the XF86config file to fix the mouse problem, keyboard problem, and screen depth problem, and now I get a beautiful startup screen when I hit 'startx'. Wow, was it ugly in just 256 colors! Looking good so far.

So my final questions....

1. I installed Gnome, why am I not getting kicked into Gnome when I do 'startx'? I think I am in just WindowMaker. I have the Main icon in upper left, and three on the right. How do I do the Gnome thing?

2. I have PS/2 mouse type selected, but I am using the Mac mouse via the ADB port on the keyboard. Can I just plug a PS/2 mouse in the ADB port? I have the adapter to fit. I thought I'd ask before trying to corral one up.


Mike Yukish
Head, Manufacturing Product & Process Design Department
Applied Research Lab/Penn State University
(814) 863-7143

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