On 16/10/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Sharp) wrote:

> > > I get to the base-install stage of the install and then get stuck
> > > as the system tries to find a 'Release' or 'basedebs.tgz' file
> > > over http. I'm really stuck.
> > 
> > use a mirror that doesn't suck giant rocks through coffee
> > stirrers and spew chunks all over the wall.
> Um, what?  At first I thought I knew what you were saying, but
> by the time I finished the sentence, I didn't have it any more.
>  What are you trying to say?  Chunks?  On the wall?

Well using http://http.us.debian.org/debian clearly wasn't too sensible of
me, as I am in the U.K. Thats the wall bit.

(http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian and
 http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian were the paths I should have been using.)

However I have since discovered that I was using a 'Release' file under the
distribution subdirectory, rather than the main release file. This is the
bit that sucked.

Coffee Stirrers were the parts where I used a mixture of my hard disk, nfs
and http to try and do the install...

I've sorted out this problem and thanks for all the help.

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