Summary of my stuff below: where is woody base?

On 10/10/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ethan Benson) wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 11, 2001 at 09:52:52AM +0200, Michael Schmitz wrote:

> > > > I've got to the second last step in the installation
> > > > procedure on my Lombard and got stuck, i.e. at step 8.1.
> > > > ``Make System Bootable''. The installer reports that quik
> > > > is being set up, and I want to use yaboot.
> > >
> > > Since it's trying to install quik, is it an oldworld? I'm
> > > not sure whether a Lombard is old or new. If old, it can't
> > > use yaboot. But ybin would have probably told you that.

> > (
> > New, most definitely. Use yaboot.
> then he is either using potato boot-floppies (which i am 90%
> certain anyway given he claims it used the potato base tarball)
> or woody boot-floppies have got one helluva big ass f*ckup
> which i definitly would want to know about.

Thanks for the advice. It seems to be clear that I should be using

OK. A dumb question then. How do I get to use woody? My Lombard hasn't
got a floppy drive.

My installation procedure attempt so far has been to 
1)  use the debian-imac.sit package from an HFS partition to
    boot the installer
2)  use woody kernel files etc from an nfs share on my server
3)  use the base file (potato) from an nfs share on my server.

I guess that 1) is ok? But 2), which uses the woody images still points
to a potato base file for 3). I tried editing the default path on the
installer http download from 'potato' to 'woody', but got a file not
found error. So then I decided to download the only base file I could
find for my local install.

Where is woody base?

Thanks for everyone's replies, I really appreciate it.

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