On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 03:10:50PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Ethan Benson wrote: > > > I am going mad, since I have tried to make these Performa boot for may be 2 > months now... > My situation is the following: these Performa are for use in a > university, and since I can't make them boot from the harddrive (I tested near > everything possible), I need a boot floppy. But I would like the boot process > to > be possible whithout any user intervention. So could you please explain me the > whole process for creating a boot disk like the one Debian use for > installation? > > What kernel to use exactly: vmlinux.coff? vmlinux.gz? .... > How to make the boot disk? using Miboot? > > What I have tried for now is to change the kernel of the Debian bootdisk, > then bless the floppy with hattrib and try to boot on it. But none of my > kernels > worked, althought I used the .config from kernel-patch-2.2.19-powerpc and I > correctly patched the kernel sources with the patch. > > a good explanation (or a link to an Howto or a FAQ on it) would be greatly > appreciated. I really need to solve this problem... > > thanks in advance. > > Damien. >
I can hazard a guess that the reason you're not hearing anything here, is that the capability to make a boot floppy for powerpc's doesn't exist yet. You're plowing new ground, there aren't any FAQs or HowTo's. Just as a possibility, you might check out the boot-floppies source from CVS or just browse it at cvs.debian.org/boot-floppies, to see how it was done for i386. I'm not even sure it would be appicable, though. -- *----------------------------------------------------------------* | .''`. | Debian GNU/Linux: <http://www.debian.org> | | : :' : | debian-imac: <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net> | | `. `'` | Chris Tillman [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `- | May the Source be with you | *----------------------------------------------------------------*