On Oct 08 2001, Paul F. Pearson wrote:
> That was it - my mouse was configured incorrectly. Now all I have to
> do is:
> 1) look into what window managers are available

        Many, many. Since I am using a quite old machine with only
        64MB and PowerPC programs seem to be bigger than their x86
        counterparts, I need to use only smaller programs. But I have
        Window Maker and blackbox installed.

        If you also want some Desktop Environments (not window
        managers!) like KDE and GNOME, they are also available.

> 2) get rlogin, etc. installed

        Do you *need* rlogin? Can't you use Open SSH?

> 3) look into Java

        Depending on what you need, gcj may be what you want.

        On the other hand, I see that incoming.debian.org has j2sdk1.3
        packages, but they don't seem to have entered debian now.

> 4) learn more about installing pacakages with Debian. My Linux on PCs
> experience is limited to Red Hat.

        It will be worth it.

        []s, Roger...

P.S.: Please remove parts of old messages in your new replies, leaving
only what is needed to give context to your answers.
  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/

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