* Bruce McIntyre ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hello all,
> For some reason or other mouse button emulation in x and gdm has just
> stopped working (upon reboot).
> keyboard_lock_keycodes = 0      keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes = 1
> mouse_button_emulation = 1      mouse_button2_keycode = 97
> mouse_button3_keycode = 100
> showkey cannot seem to differentiate between my left and right alt or ctl
> keys. Both alt keys echo 56 both control keys echo 28.
> I think this is the `key' to the above problem, but don't know how to fix it.
> page up and down keys dont work for less either ( this could be related ) as
> they did before.
> I'm using kernel 2.2.19.

pgup and pgdown works now in less, so it can't be the same problem.
I've changed the subject, as I could understand that the previous subject
could give some of you the heebeejeebees :-)

Bruce McIntyre.

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