* Michel Dänzer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Bruce McIntyre wrote:
> > 
> > > Are you sure they ever produced different keycodes? Jens Schmalzing
> > > thought so as well but couldn't reproduce it.
> > 
> > I'm, say, 80% sure they did; at least I had mouse button emulation working
> > fine with the right alt and control under the new input layer (ADB
> > keyboard).
> You mean with Linux keycodes? We are using the new input layer with either
> keycodes...

Yes, Linux keycodes. 

> Jens only verified the alt keys and they even generated the same codes using
> ADB keycodes.
> > I have always used the new input layer as I use a dvorak layout. The only
> > evil of the ADB mac extended keboard I know about is the broken capslock
> > key, which cannot be remaped to control or meta because of a problem with
> > the keyup signal. I think it sent a keyup immediately on keypress, and
> > didn't wait for the real keyup.
> This issue has been discussed in all length on the debian-powerpc list
> recently.


Bruce McIntyre.

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