On 22 Sep 2001, Gjermund Gusland Thorsen wrote:

> So I need to configure a DNS server to have OK RARPA? to have sshd
> work? usually when I’m too lazy to install DNS server, there is only a
> delay in login process... 5-20 secs before asking for username...

No, you don't need to be running a DNS server yourself, but your machine
has to be able to perform DNS queries properly.

I'll ask you again, please tell us EXACTLY what you're trying to do and
what error you get.  A proper bug report looks something like:

  When I try to _____, the program prints out "________."
  I'm running version X of package Y, and I enabled special
  configuration option foobar.

If you just tell us "ssh doesn't work" then we really can't help you.

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