On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 10:14:07AM +0200, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> Sven wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 10:14:57AM -0700, Laurent de Segur wrote:
> > > What you are saying about ReiserFS is really unfortunate. When I
> > > read the archive, there is no question that XFS is a lot more
> > > reliable than ReiserFS. On the other hand, It seems that the Linux
> > > community is promoting heavily ReiserFS vs XFS/JFS, and that seems
> > > totally contradictory with the feedback I got so far.
> > 
> > But then, i have one of those 40 GB IBM drives that might, or might
> > not, have problems, with my previous disk, i had no problem, but i
> > died during a apt-get run, not sure if it is related to reiserfs or
> > something as i just did upgrade kernels, before that, i had no problem > 
> > with reiserfs,
> Neither did I until it decided to suddenly eat all the data on that
> partition. (It also happened during a dist-upgrade, but I guess that's
> just coincidence ;) I have no reason to believe there is a problem with

Is it really just coincidence, or is dist-upgrade doing something particular
that reiserfs don't like ? Or maybe it is just that it is the only app that
really is very disk intensive, unpacking files, replacing files, etc, ...


Sven Luther

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