On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 10:14:57AM -0700, Laurent de Segur wrote:
> What you are saying about ReiserFS is really unfortunate. When I read the
> archive, there is no question that XFS is a lot more reliable than ReiserFS.
> On the other hand, It seems that the Linux community is promoting heavily
> ReiserFS vs XFS/JFS, and that seems totally contradictory with the feedback
> I got so far. 

ReiserFS is all about hype, of course it will be more popular.

> It's too bad that the XFS module (at least on ppc) is not part of the
> pre-compiled kernel image (ReiserFS is), and that the XFS kernel patches lag
> a few kernel revs behind, making it mostly obsolete by the time you have to
> install it on the latest 2.4 kernel (don't know about 2.2.x but can't afford
> this alternative due to platform support.)

someone just needs to maintain a kernel-patch-xfs

Ethan Benson

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