Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Using DMA for the transfer _might_ make the difference, but there'd
> have to be DRI for mach64 first.

Ah, I see.

and I quote from the dri web site:

    * There currently is no working Mach64 (Rage Pro) support. A
      Mach64 branch exists, but work on it was never completed. We are
      looking for developers to complete the Mach64 work. This is good
      beginner work since it is relatively easy to complete and you
      can look at Utah-GLX for example code.

Maybe I'll take a look if I get some free time?

> Does that work in depth 16?

It doesn't work quite right.  As I said earlier, it looks like the
palette/colormap is just off, otherwise it works great.  At least the
video is legible.

Josh Huber                                   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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