On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 06:22:43PM +0200, Jens Kutilek wrote:
> Am 24 Aug 2001, um 5:01 hat Ethan Benson geschrieben:
> > > Now I tried yaboot 1.2.3-1.2.4, but mkofboot didn't work. No output was
> > > displayed, nothing happened, I could only ctrl-c the program.
> > 
> > i need more info then that.
> I installed yaboot 1.2.3-1.2.4 from the Debian FTP server. Had to 
> upgrade libc to 2.2.4. for that. Then I ran yabootconfig, it generated 
> yaboot.conf:
> -----
> boot=/dev/sda1
> fstype=raw
> partition=3
> root=/dev/sda3
> timeout=30
> install=/usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot
> image=/vmlinuz

vmlinux i presume..

>         label=Linux
>         read-only
> -----
> Seems to be ok.
> But when yabootconfig called mkofboot to format the bootstrap 
> parttition, the program stopped. Then I tried to run mkofboot -v, but I 
> didn't get output, it stopped like before. The process was marked 
> sleeping.
> How can I get more info from the program about what's wrong?
> I'll try again on monday.

run it through a shell, 

/bin/sh -x /usr/sbin/mkofboot

my guess is its hanging on dd, that isn't my problem though, your
system is broken if thats the case.

Ethan Benson

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