Hello Ethan! Thanks for the complete answer, I'll follow your suggestions :-).
> > the only other thing i could suggest is removing or zeroing out the > bootstrap partition on /dev/hdb having two bootable partitions in the > same place on different disks could be confusing OpenFirmware. (it > still doesn't deal with slaves that well in general based on the mail > i get). If I would remove bootstrap on my ultra1:9 with mac-fdisk d, would it leave my other linux-partitions with their content alive? ...and would it be possible to eliminate the Apple-driver partitions from that disk too without danger for existing linux-partitions? I think, after reading the security announce from mac-fdisk (woody), that it must be possible to free hdb15 Apple_HFS at least without danger for the rest of the disk and change it to a linux partition, am I right? > > if you use the `16p' type syntax to mac-fdisk for the ending block > when creating your last partition you won't have this wasted space at > the end of the disk, the number you use is the number of the last > Apple_Free partition. see mac-fdisk-basics. Right - looks nice now ;-)) Cheers -- mfg Georg Koss mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]