Hello again!

First of all thank's to Ethan Benson for the reply and help.

Basically, I want to erase macos from my box (as complete as possible
:-/ ) and install on each of my disks one seperate debian.

> > 
> > printenv boot-device gives:
> > ultra1:9,\\yaboot      hd:,\\:tbxi
> this is wrong.  you will not be able to interact with yaboot's
> interface since you need to load the first stage bootstrap installed
> by ybin.
> please let ybin take care of boot-device, it will do it correctly.

If ybin does this, will it be the right way that I have one bootstrap,
lets say on ultra1 and a yaboot which allows booting either woody on
ultra1 or potato on ultra0? 
If so, could you explain please how to write that to yaboot.conf.

The other way, I could imagine is to work with two bootstraps as at
the moment. If I go that way, how can I tell ybin from one booted HD
about the yaboot.conf of the other debian.
More realistic I would assume ybin to do it's job on each of my 
instllations separatly. I did this and OF hangs. On ultra0 which is
representated in the printenv .... as hd:,\\:tbxi it should be
something like  ultra0:9,\\yaboot instead but I can't cope with this :-/.

The third idea I have would be to do ybin from the potato-CD1 :-/ .

> only if the bootstrap appears after macos partitions.
That's not the case ...

I put my parition-tables in addendum.

TIA and Cheers


Georg Koss




/dev/hda1  Apple_partition_map Apple       63 @ 1    ( 31.5k)  Partition map
/dev/hda2  Apple_Driver43 Macintosh        54 @ 64   ( 27.0k)  Driver 4.3
/dev/hda3  Apple_Driver43 Macintosh        74 @ 118  ( 37.0k)  Driver 4.3
/dev/hda4  Apple_Driver_ATA Macintosh      54 @ 192  ( 27.0k)  Unknown
/dev/hda5  Apple_Driver_ATA Macintosh      74 @ 246  ( 37.0k)  Unknown
/dev/hda6  Apple_FWDriver Macintosh       200 @ 320  (100.0k)  Unknown
/dev/hda7  Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh   512 @ 520  (256.0k)  Unknown
/dev/hda8  Apple_Patches Patch Partition  512 @ 1032 (256.0k)  Unknown
/dev/hda9  Apple_Bootstrap bootstrap     1600 @ 1544 (800.0k)  Unknown
/dev/hda10 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap        262144 @ 3144 (128.0M)  Linux swap
/dev/hda11 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 /         10813440 @ 26528(  5.2G)  Linux native
/dev/hda12 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 /home      5734400 @ 11078728 (2.7G)  Linux native
/dev/hda13 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 /var       3196928 @ 16813128 (1.5G)  Linux native
/dev/hda14 Apple_Free Extra               760 @ 20010056 (380.0k)  Free space


/dev/hdb1  Apple_partition_map Apple        63 @ 1     ( 31.5k)  Partition map
/dev/hdb2  Apple_Driver43 Macintosh         54 @ 64    ( 27.0k)  Driver 4.3
/dev/hdb3  Apple_Driver43 Macintosh         74 @ 118   ( 37.0k)  Driver 4.3
/dev/hdb4  Apple_Driver_ATA Macintosh       54 @ 192   ( 27.0k)  Unknown
/dev/hdb5  Apple_Driver_ATA Macintosh       74 @ 246   ( 37.0k)  Unknown
/dev/hdb6  Apple_FWDriver Macintosh        200 @ 320   (100.0k)  Unknown
/dev/hdb7  Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh    512 @ 520   (256.0k)  Unknown
/dev/hdb8  Apple_Patches Patch Partition   512 @ 1032  (256.0k)  Unknown
/dev/hdb9  Apple_Bootstrap Apple_Bootstrap 1600 @ 1544 (800.0k)  Unknown
/dev/hdb10 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap         262144 @ 3144  (128.0M)  Linux swap
/dev/hdb11 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 /           12582912 @ 265288 ( 6.0G)  Linux native
/dev/hdb12 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 /home      10485760 @ 12848200 (5.0G)  Linux native
/dev/hdb13 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 /var        7987200 @ 23333960 (3.8G)  Linux native
/dev/hdb14 Apple_Free Extra             309354 @ 31321160 (151.1M) Free space
/dev/hdb15 Apple_HFS Ohne Titel 2      8245945 @ 31630514 (3.9G)  HFS
/dev/hdb16 Apple_Free Extra                 21 @ 39876459 (10.5k)  Free space

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