> A very big thankyou to the creator(s) of the debian-imac sourceforge archive;
> I've now managed to boot my ibook2 and install the base system, etc.  (couple
> of things I should note; I had to remove the space from the 'boot hd:x,
> yaboot' line to become 'boot hd:x,yaboot', and I also needed to supply the
> extra arguments 'install video=ofonly' at the boot prompt in case anyone is
> following this)

yer welcum, comments noted. Ethan is recommending the woody boot floppies
these days over potato, although it's a bit of a moving target. Because this

> I have got to the step of running mkofboot
> ('mkofboot --boot /dev/hda9 -m /target/etc/ofboot.b --root /dev/hda11
> --partition 11'); the first time this complained that no such ofboot.b file
> existed; I have an iMac running potato so I used ae to copy the contents of
> its /etc/ofboot.b (skipping the <os-badge-icons> bit!) into
> /target/etc/ofboot.b.

is not necessary with the new version. However the potato install manual has
a different version of that command, the -m flag is

-m /usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot

so I'm wondering where your version came from?

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| `. `'`  |      . oo       Chris Tillman                        |
|   `-    |     (   -)      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                |

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