I found if i created /dev/sda2 as a PReP Boot partition type and just
dd'd to it then it work'd without having to use a boot floppy... Problem I
ran into is it seems like the 2.4 kernel images are building the standard
vmlinuz-2.4.x and a vmlinux.coff-2.4.x... With the 2.2 kernel it just created
the first... So my problem is which do I need to dd to the boot partition?

        I agree it really should have a lilo-like boot loader to make it
easier or somehow manage to get the mechanics that install the kernel
packages to handle this situation properly... 

        Jeremy T. Bouse

christian mock was said to been seen saying:
> >     Also anyone know what should be the correct steps to be taken
> > to install the kernel on this beast? The initial install handled it
> > fine but no other kernel-image-* builds have do so on it's own...
> What I do is first, dd the zImage.prep to a floppy and boot from that one 
> (PBOOT 1 0 in the ROM monitor) to test it, and if it's OK, it goes to the 
> boot partition via dd.
> (but I sure would like to see something lilo-like for PReP boxen)
> ciao,

|Jeremy T. Bouse, CCNA - UnderGrid Network Services, LLC -  www.UnderGrid.net |
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