>       Also anyone know what should be the correct steps to be taken
> to install the kernel on this beast? The initial install handled it
> fine but no other kernel-image-* builds have do so on it's own...

What I do is first, dd the zImage.prep to a floppy and boot from that one 
(PBOOT 1 0 in the ROM monitor) to test it, and if it's OK, it goes to the boot 
partition via dd.

(but I sure would like to see something lilo-like for PReP boxen)



** christian mock in vienna, austria -- http://www.tahina.priv.at/~cm/
Vielleicht ist es aber auch nur einfach Zeit, dem Wolfi wieder den
root-Account wegzunehmen. Er ist noch zu klein dafuer.
 Ferdinand Goldmann in at.gesellschaft.politik

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