Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 12:55:06AM +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:
From what I understood, the current ld.so breakage is not worth a new
upload in Ben Collins' opinion. And this is driving me crazy. This bug
has been present for over a month now.
Would somebody care making a new version of the libc6 with the patch here:
I have tried to do the compilation myself, but it fails some tests, and
craps out (I'm probably using the wrong compiler version or something).
I attached the patch I added to debian/patches (I also modified the
0list file in the same directory).
I hope someone can help, and I apologise in advance if mozilla is to
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I'll try to talk Ben into a new upload. In fact, he seems to have
already been talked into it.
He might have seen me yelling and kicking yesterday evening on
#debian-devel. glibc is definitely not something you want broken...
Well, I reckon you don't need the .dpatch file that I forgot to attach
to my previous email then ;)
BTW, could you explain to us what this problem is exactly about, and
what needs to be done to other software (like Michael asked about X) ?
Thanks a lot for taking care of that.
/Bastien Nocera