On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 12:55:06AM +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote: > Hi, > > From what I understood, the current ld.so breakage is not worth a new > upload in Ben Collins' opinion. And this is driving me crazy. This bug > has been present for over a month now. > > Would somebody care making a new version of the libc6 with the patch here: > http://sources.redhat.com/ml/libc-alpha/2001-06/msg00238.html > > I have tried to do the compilation myself, but it fails some tests, and > craps out (I'm probably using the wrong compiler version or something). > I attached the patch I added to debian/patches (I also modified the > 0list file in the same directory). > > I hope someone can help, and I apologise in advance if mozilla is to > send this mail in HTML
I'll try to talk Ben into a new upload. In fact, he seems to have already been talked into it. -- Daniel Jacobowitz Carnegie Mellon University MontaVista Software Debian GNU/Linux Developer