On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 04:49:11PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> If we're going to go to the extreme of disregarding htmlized posts,
> then we might as well just reject then from being sent to the list.

thats a good idea, if the list masters were not so busy with other
things i would ask them about doing that.  its possible its not
trivial to do with smartlist however, or i suspect it would have
already happened.  the developer reference already states that html
and CCing replies are both unacceptable.  (iirc)

> To summarize, if your text (and I do read my mail via mutt with ssh
> often) email client can read the format, and present it to you without
> hassle, why reject it?

because its a security risk i don't want? because all it will do is
let me see more spam?

> The pdf and rtf tools can probably distill those formats into text
> also, and if so that should be acceptable.

why should i waste time converting bloated formats into text when the
message should have been text in the first place.  use the simplest
format for the given task, email is plain text: Deal with it.

> Really, if we want to have a policy, it should be set on the server
> and left to that.  This attitude that some of us have doesn't help
> anyone, especially if the response is silence.

well i could set my procmail recipe to auto reply with *plonk* if you
think that would help. i think that would just be annoying though.

Ethan Benson

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