On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 04:59:08PM -0500, Charles Sebold wrote: > On 18 Tammuz 5761, Noah John wrote: > > > check out this site.? it was posted on slashdot 7.9.01 > > 1. Didn't see a URL, so I guess we'll have to check Slashdot > ourselves. >
He gave it in his next message a couple minutes later. > 3. Perhaps you could tell MSN Explorer or whatever evil email client > you use, to send your posts in plaintext? I think a lot more > people on this list will read your posts if you do that, since I > don't believe HTML is acceptable on this list. Thanks! I don't believe hotmail will allow you to do this. I really don't understand what the problem with html mail. It was a pain until I figured out how to get mutt to use links or lynx to output it as text... but now everything is peachy. If they send pictures you have Xwindows and a bunch of viewers... executables are a pain, but you chose non-windows for a reason, right? Actually, I think we should be sending rtf mail everywhere. It's an open standard, it hasn't been extended in a long time, and it has more features than html. Mike