On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 01:13:46PM +0200, Sven LUTHER wrote:
> > ./configure
> > make
> > su -c 'make install'
> And pollute my clean debian install, on way, ...

bullshit, read me message again, galeon installs cleanly into
/usr/local <----- see the local part?

it will not interfere with the packaging system in any way, /usr/local
is for non-packaged stuff, thats its entire purpose.  

it will cause no damage, no harm, no cruft, etc etc etc.  

> That said, there are unofficial debs available from the galeon site, i think i
> remember, you could build those if you really needed to.

they suck, those WILL pollute your clean debian install.  

a crappy .deb is far worse then a make install into /usr/local. 

Ethan Benson

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