> On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 05:21:52PM -0700 or thereabouts, Peter Meilstrup
>> Here is the lasest output of apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. It seems
>> to be complaining about a Perl script, and will not go through with the
>> upgrade. This seems serious; how can I fix this? I have tried running
>> apt-get --reinstall on perl, perl-base and dpkg with no luck.
> I had a similar problem once.  You can grab the perl debs and
> install them manually with dpkg or get the perl sources and
> compile it yourself, assuming you installed the development
> tools.  The debian install is very dependent upon perl and if
> it gets hosed your hosed. Unfortunately perl seems to get
> broken more than it's fair share.
> Fred

Is this right? perl is not listed as a dependency for apt.

If it's true, IMHO apt could/should repair itself under these conditions.
Would it be reasonable to store and keep up to date a local perl package
backup to fall back on if perl is failing?

(cc to deity list)

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