On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 03:44:02PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:

>> BTW: If I find a macos cd somewhere and if I install
>> macos on the powermac, can I choose to create a real
>> small macos partition so that I just install bootx
>> on it? Or does macos grab the complete hd and if
>> so is it possible to shrink the partition afterwards?

> macos requires that you erase the entire disk, but it will allow you
> to choose the size of the partition you create for it.  

That would be ok. I'll keep that method as last resort.

> before you pollute your system with wasteful macos cruft i would
> suggest getting a coff format kernel, copying it to an hfs floppy (dd
> if=/dev/zero it first, make sure its totally clean, then hformat -l
> boot /dev/fd0, hmount /dev/fd0, hcopy -r vmlinux.coff :, humount.)
> then try booting with the floppy in the drive.  

Can I create this disk with my PC-Style 1.44FDD on my Intel-Debian box?

> -- 
> Ethan Benson
> http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/

Last year, out in California, at a PC users group, there was a demo of
smart speech recognition software. Before the demonstrator could begin
his demo, a voice called out from the audience: "Format c, return. Yes,
return." Damned short demo, it was.

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