I got myself an old PPC8200/120 (same Specs as the 7200) and was/am about to install debian 2.2r3 on it.
The mac-harddrive is empty. There is no macos on it. As booting from CD did not work I used the hfs-bootdisk together with the rootdisk from the ppc-debian-cd to install debian. That part worked well, but when rebooting the machine the blank (rom?) screen came up and nothing happend. I was able to use the boot/root disks again and install again with the same result. The rescue disk-image from the debian cd did not work. I booted into the debian Install-Menu and changed to a shell to do two things of which at least one must have fucked my mac up. I tried a nvsetenv boot-device scsi-int/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0 as suggested in some mail I found in an archive plus I tried runnig quik manually. Both measures did not throw an error message but I am now unable to see anything when booting nothing happens. Neither does it try to boot from disk nor displays anything on screen :-( -- 'Whatever the sun may be, it is certainly not a ball of flaming gas.' - D. H. Lawrence, British Writer; 1855-1930