> > Well, that aspect of administration wasn't what I thought you were talking
> > about, obviously. I didn't forget you said that before, and I wasn't
> > suggesting something along 'just set up a bunch of buildds, Dan is going
> > to take care of the rest'.
> Right, I didn't think you did.  Sorry if it came out that way.

It didn't. I just tried to make myself clear. 
> > I'm well aware of the bottleneck. The PowerPC port is quite active so it
> > should be not hard to find a volunteer developer for each buildd machine
> > to handle the logs. Michel Daenzer offered to help, and so did I. We need
> > some way to access the wanna-build database (write access, or course) for
> > that to work. We can use either special buildd2, buildd3 ... accounts for
> > that, or regular user accounts. Your choice.
> For non-US, this is definitely a good idea.  For main I'd rather have
> all logs go to one address, and us find a way to have multiple people
> process them, so that no package gets stalled by one missing
> maintainer.

So set up a mailing list for the log mails, or rather two separate lists
for successful and failed logs (in my experience, the failed packages are
a lot more work). It doesn't hurt to have more than one reply for the
latter (buildd checks for that), and it might not even hurt for the
successful ones (that I haven't tried). In order to check files in the
build area, people would need an account on voltaire (all developers
have), but to modify files or change the chroot setup a bit more trust is

To avoid duplicating work, some tools to run a comprehensive check on the
build state, bug reports etc. would be nice. Rick Younie has been working
on this for his m68k buildd, I need to try that out. 

> I'm trying to get voltaire's reverse DNS fixed so that it can talk to
> auric again.  Other than that I need to apply some buildd patches and
> talk to Ryan Murray.

Ryan had played with apt-source stuff, right? We'd definitely need that
for the laptops :-) 

I've created a snapshot of my chroot for Michel and others, it's at 
ftp.biophys.uni-duesseldorf.de:/pub/linux/powerpc/debian/buildd/. A quick
setup guide for using the chroot is there as well. 


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