> > > > I see it's in non-US, is there a buildd for that?
> > >
> > > No, there isn't at present.
> >
> > Voltaire is a dual-processor machine, right?  Could it run another
> > buildd for non-US packages?  Or would we need to actually build the
> Being dual-processor has nothing to do with it :)  It could build
> non-US, but is not allowed to.

Which, of course, raises the question: why isn't there a powerpc buildd
outside the US? Related question: why is Dan the only one running a
powerpc buildd? Is tervola still down? Any other powerpc machines on
permanent net connection that could be used for this?

> > packages outside of the US?  I don't pretend to fully understand the
> > US export regulations...  How do the other arches deal with this?
> They build outside the US, or let non-US stagnate.

Some may let non-free stagnate but non-US seems to hold up main here. If
you could send me a list of non-US packages needing built I can try to set
something up (after working out perl and autoconf related kinks in the
m68k buildds, and finding a disk to build on). I'd use wanna-build on
voltaire myself if I could ;-)


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