
On Sun, Jun 03, 2001 at 01:21:03PM +0200, Kerstin Hoef-Emden wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 29 May 2001, Georg Koss wrote:
> > > time. Unfortunately no option for German key settings was offered during
> > > install.
> > kbdconfig on konsole
> I tried to install mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys with kbdconfig and ran into

For me mac-de2-ext works - as I read mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys is broken on 

> I played a little bit around with other keymaps,

I think it's better to experiment in X (with xev) - if something happens you
 have the console at least.

> keymap and tested it, just to find out whether a change of key settings
> happens. And it seemed to work, because typing "y" resulted now in a "w" 
> on the screen. I didnīt load it as keymap, but despite of this something
> changed and I am stuck now: My "a" is gone! I cannot get back into my
> root account, because this letter is part of my password! (I guess, to
> load the keymap anew it doesnīt suffice to just logout, because the
> keymap is loaded during bootup ...).

Probably you can boot from CD and use /target/../kbdconfig - I don't know
if it works - as I am relativeley new to linux I installed new in your 
situation a few months ago.


Georg Koss


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