On Mon, 28 May 2001, jean-michel jim jm daix wrote: > Sorry , Iım French !
ca arrive a des gens tres bien ... ;-)) > > Well, my problem is that it seems that the map of the keyboard is wrong. > Itıs ok, itıs AZERTY instead of QWERTY but the french Q give me à A too. > Iıve got 2 [A] and no [Q], and itıs hard to Quit ! the french keymap is a little broken. for a `working one' see <URL:http://www.linux-france.org/article/materiel/mac/#clavier> for the missing q just remember that you can use the ascii key-codes q=option-1-1-3 (the number must be typed on the numeric keypad) Eric -- je suis ^?ffffe9tudiant en ^?ffffe9cole d'ing^?ffffe9nieur^?ffffe0Lyon et je suis totalement bloqu^?ffffe9 dansla programmation d'un applicatif qui permettrait dedessiner des sph^?ffffe8res ombr^?ffffe9es. -+- cl^?ffffe9ment in GNU - Tremblement de te^?ffffrre en solde -+-