On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 09:03:04PM -0500, John Valdes wrote:
> no.  As others said, though, you can simply use multiple bootloaders:
> yaboot for Linux, ofwboot for NetBSD, etc.  To make the boot process
> easier, I recommend using ybin.  ybin is a Bourne shell script which
> can create a boot script which OpenFirmware can use for booting the
> different bootloaders.  The boot script is a "CHRP" script (basically,
> a script written in Forth) which OpenFirmware can load from disk and
> interpret.  The boot script presents you w/ a text menu from which you
> can choose which OS to boot.  Mine gives me the following menu:
>   Pick an OS, any OS:
>   Press m for MacOS,
>       t for MacOS X,
>       b for NetBSD,
>       l for Linux,
>   or
>       c for CDROM,
>       n for Network,
>       o for OpenFirmware.
>   Boot: 
> Once you enter a choice, the script then executes the required boot
> command, eg:
>   boot hd:10,\\:tbxi                       for MacOS on partition 10
>   boot hd:9,\ofwboot.elf hd:12/netbsd      for NetBSD w/ bootloader on 9,
>                                              kernel on 12
>   boot hd:9,\yaboot                        for yaboot bootloader on 9

i will add support for this to ybin 1.2 to be released RSN.  the
config option will be netbsd=/dev/whatever  where /dev/whatever is the
netbsd bootstrap partition.  this CAN be the same as ybin's bootstrap
partition but at this time ybin won't be able to install the netbsd
loader.  so you will have to install the netbsd loader in the
bootstrap partittion yourself (making sure its not set to type tbxi).
and refrain from running mkofboot instead of ybin.  

just to be sure, netbsd's bootlaoder for newworlds is always called
ofwboot.elf on the bootstrap partition?  

> I partitioned my disk using Apple's Drive Setup.  In order, I created
> an HFS "boot" partition (on which I store yaboot, yaboot.conf,

this must be type Apple_Bootstrap.  

Ethan Benson

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