On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 01:27:23PM +0200, Edouard G. Parmelan wrote:
>      ## assign variables for configured menu options.
> -    [ "$usemount" = no -a "$bless" = yes ] && YB="yaboot GNU l $ofboot 
> ,${BS}${BS}yaboot"
> -    [ "$usemount" = yes -o "$bless" = no ] && YB="yaboot GNU l $ofboot 
> ,${OFDIR}yaboot"
> -    [ -n "$bsd" ] && OS=$(($OS + 1)) && BSD="bsd BSD b $bsd 
> ,${BS}ofwboot.elf"
> -    [ -n "$macos" ] && OS=$(($OS + 1)) && MAC="macos MacOS m $macos 
> ,${BS}${BS}:tbxi"
> -    [ -n "$macosx" ] && OS=$(($OS + 1)) && MX="macosx MacOSX x $macosx 
> ,${OSXBOOT}"
> -    [ -n "$darwin" ] && OS=$(($OS + 1)) && DW="darwin Darwin d $darwin 
> ,${BS}${BS}:tbxi"
> -    [ "$cdrom" = yes ] && OS=$(($OS + 1)) && CD="cd CDROM c cd: 
> ,${BS}${BS}:tbxi"
> +    [ "$usemount" = no -a "$bless" = yes ] && YB="yaboot GNU l $ofboot 
> ',${BS}${BS}yaboot'"
> +    [ "$usemount" = yes -o "$bless" = no ] && YB="yaboot GNU l $ofboot 
> ',${OFDIR}yaboot'"
> +    [ -n "$bsd" ] && OS=$(($OS + 1)) && BSD="bsd BSD b $bsd 
> ',${BS}ofwboot.elf $bsd_options'"
> +    [ -n "$macos" ] && OS=$(($OS + 1)) && MAC="macos MacOS m $macos 
> ',${BS}${BS}:tbxi'"
> +    [ -n "$macosx" ] && OS=$(($OS + 1)) && MX="macosx MacOSX x $macosx 
> ',${OSXBOOT}'"
> +    [ -n "$darwin" ] && OS=$(($OS + 1)) && DW="darwin Darwin d $darwin 
> ',${BS}${BS}:tbxi'"
> +    [ "$cdrom" = yes ] && OS=$(($OS + 1)) && CD="cd CDROM c cd: 
> ',${BS}${BS}:tbxi'"

i am almost certain this quoting is broken.  it will cause these
values to not be expanded and thus taken litterally.  i don't see why
your making gratuitous changes here.  

>  [ $(parseconf ck timeout) = 0 ] && timeout=`parseconf str timeout`
> -[ $(parseconf ck bsd) = 0 ] && bsd=`parseconf str bsd`
> +if [ $(parseconf ck bsd) = 0 ]; then
> +    tmp=`parseconf str bsd`
> +    bsd=`busybox expr "$tmp" : '\([^ ]*\)'`
> +    bsd_options=`busybox expr "$tmp" : "$bsd"'[ ]*\(.*\)'`
> +fi

no way dood, this is a GROSS hack.  i won't depend on busybox in this

sorry but i will not accept this patch.

Ethan Benson

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