Michael Schmitz wrote:

> IDE CDs have analog output lines for audio data (so have SCSI drives but
> if you keep them in regular external drive boxes these wires aren't
> usually connected on the back panel). The audio lines are connected to the
> soundcard or MB sound HW in PCs (a small jack that looks like a floppy
> power connector). The cdplayer software knows about this connection, and
> just sends a 'please play track x' command to the CD, and adjusts the
> mixer to forward the analog CD sound input to the amp.
> If you forget that cable, no sound. Apple 'forgot' that cabling at least
> on the cubes. Maybe also on the new PBs. I don't own such a box. On the
> older models (up to Pismo IIRC) you can play audio CDs fine.

Doesn't work on my Pismo, of course that could also be due to missing mixer

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)    \   Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
CS student, Free Software enthusiast   \        XFree86 and DRI project member

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