On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 06:49:40PM -0400, Adam C Powell IV wrote:
> I don't know, will try to mark it bootable at some point using mac-pdisk (that
> won't mess up my hard drive, right? :-).

well, i don't think mac-fdisk will do it.  looking at quik this is not
your x86 standard bootable bit, but rather some extra information.

from quik/quik.c:

    mp = (struct mac_partition *) buff;
    mp->status |= STATUS_BOOTABLE;
    mp->boot_start = 0;
    mp->boot_size = 1024;
    mp->boot_load = FIRST_BASE;
    mp->boot_load2 = 0;
    mp->boot_entry = FIRST_BASE;
    mp->boot_entry2 = 0;
    strncpy(mp->processor, "PowerPC", sizeof(mp->processor));
    if (lseek(fd, part_block * secsize, 0) < 0
        || write(fd, buff, sizeof(buff)) != sizeof(buff))

it sets the OF load-size and such values, OF must use this to read and
execute first stage bootblock code.  

> I did nothing to make this zip partition bootable (/dev/sda4), just formatted 
> it
> using mke2fs, and it works.

did you run quik on it?  quik makes the device/partition bootable. 

> I'm guessing it's the IDE slave device that's the problem, based totally on
> hearsay...

could be, OF support IDE pretty poorly on many oldworld machines.. 

Ethan Benson

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